Class of 2015

Students lined up

This fall, Johns Hopkins University welcomed the Class of 2015 to the Homewood campus. The class comprises 1,280 students (64 percent are in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences), chosen from a record applicant pool of 19,391 high school seniors. The 2010-2011 admission season saw a 5 percent increase in the number of applications compared with last year, and a 112 percent increase in applications compared to 10 years ago.

The Class of 2015 is one of the most diverse classes ever, with 18 percent (230 students) identifying themselves as African American, Hispanic, or Native American. Along gender lines, the class is split pretty evenly, with 49 percent female and 51 percent male.

Total freshman enrollment: 1,280
Admit rate: 18%
Mean high school GPA combined score: 3.74
Mean SAT combined score: 1405
Admitted early decision: 506
Baltimore Scholars: 14
Countries represented: 38
47 states and U.S. territories represented
189 students from New York, the top represented state