Following the Man of Yamhad: Settlement and Territory at Old Babylonian Alalah
By Jacob Lauinger, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Studies
A study of the cuneiform texts from Bronze Age Alalah that record the purchase or exchange of entire settlements.
The Young Spinoza: A Metaphysician in the Making
Oxford University Press
Edited by Yitzhak Melamed, Professor, Philosophy
This text of 20 essays from various scholars traces the development of one of the world’s greatest philosophers.
Waywiser Press (UK)
By Mary Jo Salter, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor, Co-chair, Writing SeminarsA compilation from Salter’s seven previous collections demonstrating a wide range of emotion.
Rural Archaeology in Early Urban Northern Mesopotamia: Excavations at Tell al-Raqa’i
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, UCLA
Edited by Glenn Schwartz, Whiting Professor of Archaeology, Chair, Near Eastern Studies
Results of the extensive excavation of a small, rural village in the early to middle third millennium B.C.