More Faculty Books

The Fed and Lehman Brothers: Setting the Record Straight on a Financial Disaster
Cambridge University Press, 2018
By Laurence Ball
Challenges the official narrative of the Federal Reserve in relation to the bankruptcy of the investment bank Lehman Brothers in 2008.

Sextus Empiricus: Against Those in the Disciplines
Oxford University Press, 2018
Translated with introduction and notes by Richard Bett
Explores the credentials of those who claim to have expert knowledge in six specialized fields of study: grammar, rhetoric, geometry, arithmetic, astrology, and music.

Birthright Citizens: A History of Race and Rights in Antebellum America
Cambridge University Press, 2018
By Martha Jones
Shows how African-American activists radically transformed the terms of citizenship for all Americans.

Democracy and the Cartelization of Political Parties
Oxford University Press, 2018
Co-authored by Richard Katz
Political Science
Examines what cartelization means for political parties, party systems, and the future of democracy.

Dispossession without Development: Land Grabs in Neoliberal India
Oxford University Press, 2018
By Michael Levien
Illustrates the exclusionary trajectory of capitalism driving dispossession in contemporary India.

Spinoza’s Political Treatise: A Critical Guide
Cambridge University Press, 2018
Co-edited by Yitzhak Melamed
A collection of essays on the Political Treatise focusing on topics including political explanation, national religion, the civil state, vengeance, aristocratic government, and political luck.

Developmental Dysgraphia
Routledge, 2018
Co-edited by Brenda Rapp and Michael McCloskey
Cognitive Science
Brings together theoretically grounded and methodologically rigorous research on developmental dysgraphia, presented alongside reviews of the typical development of spelling and writing skills.

Anti-Music: Jazz and Racial Blackness in German Thought between the Wars
SUNY Press, 2018
By Mark Christian Thompson
Examines how African-American jazz music was received in Germany both as a racial and cultural threat and as a partner in promoting the rise of Nazi totalitarian cultural politics.


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