Curriculum Vitae: Wes Moore

Author, combat veteran, social entrepreneur

photo of Wes Moore


Valley Forge Military College

Bachelor’s degree, international studies, Johns Hopkins University

MLitt, international relations, Oxford University

Work History

CEO of Robin Hood, one of the largest anti-poverty nonprofits in the nation.

Founder of BridgeEdU, a tech platform promoting college completion and job placement for underserved students.

Investment banker with Deutsche Bank in London and Citigroup in New York.

White House fellow to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Captain and paratrooper with the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne, including a combat deployment to Afghanistan.


  • Raised by a single mother in Baltimore and the Bronx
  • Graduated Phi Theta Kappa from Valley Forge and Phi Beta Kappa from Johns Hopkins University
  • Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University
  • Produced a 2014 series called Coming Back with Wes Moore that tells the story of Moore’s search for answers to difficult questions related to returning from war
  • Produced All The Difference, a documentary film and media project that explores critical issues and offers insights and solutions related to African-American manhood
  • Hired as the first CEO in the 30-year history of Robin Hood

In His Own Words

“I stand here because someone saw me here first. Someone was willing to put in the work and give me the time and attention and second chances I was able to take advantage of.”
Wes Moore

“We need to be abundantly clear on this—people living in poverty are the victims, not the perpetrators of it…the chronic and systemic nature of poverty does not exist because there is not enough philanthropy; it exists as a direct result of failed policies. We must fight the war on poverty in a manner that reflects the great American spirit: with impatience, investment, and unwavering resolve.”
Wes Moore
TIME magazine


  • The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates (Story has been optioned by executive producer Oprah Winfrey and HBO to be made into a movie)
  • The Work: My Search for a Life That Matters
  • Discovering Wes Moore
  • This Way Home

stack of books by Wes Moore


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