The 1,288 members of the Class of 2028 got an overview of academics, student life, the Hopkins and Baltimore communities, and what it takes to make a smooth transition to college during Orientation 2024, held August 18–25.
Scenes from Orientation 2024
Photography by Will Kirk
Students and their families take advantage of a photo op on the Freshman Quad during Family Welcome.
Students move into their dorms.
Student breakdancing during the annual Orientation Show held in Shriver Hall.
Hopkins Votes—a nonpartisan group that provides resources and guidance to help students and employees participate in the democratic process—holds an event during Hopkins’ fourth annual Democracy Day.
Jay’s Carnival welcomes students on Keyser Quad.
Incoming students could choose to join the Johns Hopkins Outdoors Club for three days of hiking along the Appalachian Trail during Pre-O.
FLI—the First-Generation- Limited-Income Network—hosted a pep rally so students could connect.
The Pep Band at JHU (“Forcing merriment and mayhem since 1921!”) greets students arriving for Convocation.
President Ron Daniels addresses incoming students during Convocation.
Members of the Class of 2028 gather for the traditional iconic photo.
Mingling in the sun during the T-shirt giveaway on the Beach in front of Eisenhower l