Syllabus: Zombies at Homewood
Spring 2018In the course Zombies, students learn critical reading, thinking, and writing skills while exploring a...
Field Notes
Fall 2017Undergraduates on the path to discovery discuss their research.
Field Notes
Spring 2017Undergraduates on the path to discovery discuss their research.
Hopkins-MICA Gleaming New Film Center
Fall 2015With the opening of the $10 million state-of-the-art facility, student filmmakers and recording artists have...
Doing Good
Spring 2014On a cold Tuesday morning with light snow falling from a dull February sky, public...
Resilience Amid the Rubble
Fall 2013Every new leader faces a baptism-of-fire moment, but few have it as rough as Gail...
The Perils of Multitasking
Spring 2013Multitasking with iPad or cellphone in hand can be potentially dangerous—think texting while driving. Other...
Seeds of Hope in Iraq
Spring 2013Army Major Donald Makay co-founded Iraqi Hope Foundation, which aims to honor the fallen and...
Trying to Build Bridges with Syria
Spring 2013In January 2011, Robert Stephen Ford ’80 became the first U.S. ambassador to Syria in...