Stories by Michael Anft

A World More Complete

Spring 2021

Historian Nathan Connolly has devoted much of his career to uncovering inequities in the United...

Easing the Mind

Spring 2020

Alyson Friedensohn, A&S'12, and her company Modern Health developed an app that provides a mental...

Real Life, Magnified

Fall 2019

Rachel Masilamani '99 has fashioned a love of drawing and narrative into a running commentary...

Canning Up Culture

Fall 2019

The company Marian Leitner-Waldman '09 co-founded two years ago is selling close to 1.5 million...

Pianist of the Ages

Fall 2018

Jenny Lin ’94, ’98 (Peab), a Peabody-trained pianist, has spent two decades performing around the...