Katrina Rios is conducting a pilot study on mental health improvements through activity-based learning in...
Section: Student Research
Piper Janoe '16: Refugee Stories
Spring 2015
The research of Piper Janoe is a pilot study aimed at discovering what it’s like...
Jesse Chen '16: Asian-American Sensibilities
Spring 2015
Jesse Chen traveled to major cities to interview a broad range of Asian-American people and...
James Keiler '17: Unlocking Parkinson's Disease
Spring 2015
Neuroscience major James Keiler's lab is using gene knockout to try to isolate the protein...
Arielle Kaden ’16: Saving the Shtetlach
Spring 2015
Arielle Kaden is researching the resurgence of Jewish life in Europe in the post-Holocaust era.
William Cunningham '16 and Alexander Delavega '16: Rocket to the 14th Century
Spring 2015
Two physics majors are designing and reconstructing a Ming Dynasty rocket mentioned in 14th-century Chinese...
Helen Zhao '16: Vaccination Wars
Spring 2015
Helen Zhao is using philosophy to explore the controversial topic of vaccines.
Ahmed Elsayyad '15: Rethinking Clinical Trials
Spring 2015
Ahmed Elsayyad is investigating the ethical implications of an alternative way to get consent for...
Finding the Payoff in Classroom Misbehavior
Spring 2015
Economics graduate student Victor Rondo is examining why women make less money than men, and...
Eric Ryberg '15: Rock On
Fall 2014
Eric Ryberg is working in the Stable Isotope Lab to establish a new method for...
Carrie Resnick '15: On the Campaign Trail
Fall 2014
Political science major Carrie Resnick is studying the campaigns of female gubernatorial candidates, focusing on...
Danielle Gilbert '15: Incan Ingenuity
Fall 2014
Danielle Gilbert, an archaeology and English double major with a minor in museums and society,...