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Section: From the Dean

From the Krieger School Dean

Spring 2024

Christopher S. Celenza, James B. Knapp Dean, discusses how the Krieger School continues to expand...

From the Dean’s Desk

Spring 2022

Dean Christopher S. Celenza weighs in on the Krieger School's new ways to focus on...

From the Dean’s Desk

Spring 2021

Spring 2021 welcome from Christopher S. Celenza, the James B. Knapp Dean of the Krieger...

From the Dean’s Desk

Fall 2020

Since the coronavirus arrived in the United States, various words and phrases have become a...

Dean’s Desktop

Spring 2020

A final message from Dean Wendland for the spring 2020 issue. "I have been repeatedly...

Dean’s Desktop

Fall 2019

In this era of "fake news," digital information, and other rapid developments, we still hew...

Dean’s Desktop: Spring 2019

Spring 2019

With Michael Bloomberg's recent gift, the university will benefit enormously from our expanded ability to...