Finding Truth in Family Fictions

Spring 2013

Sociology Professor Katrina Bell McDonald’s course The African-American Family culminates with the Black Family Saga...

Science of Learning Institute

Spring 2013

The website for the Science of Learning Institute illustrates its mission to understand the nature...

Telling an Untold Story

Spring 2013

Professor Benjamin Ginsberg's new book addresses the question, “How come the Jews didn’t resist the...

Naveeda Khan

Becoming Muslim

Fall 2012

Naveeda Khan wanted "to write a book that had the passion to legitimize Pakistan as...

Immigration Nations

Fall 2012

Political Science Professor Michael Hanchard talks about why immigration is such a hot-button political issue.

Space is Her Passion

Spring 2012

Like most people her age, Jessica Noviello uses Facebook to announce exciting developments in her...

Where are they now?

Spring 2012

For some students at Johns Hopkins, the arts are pretty serious business, and they’re determined...

Taxing the Poor book cover

The Plastic Beauty

Spring 2012

In 2004 and 2005, women who didn’t like their looks could win makeovers on the...

Pellichero repairs a print of Baltimore

Preserving the Past

Fall 2011

It takes a steady hand and lots of expertise to preserve an old and damaged...

Digital Art

The Digital Media Center

Fall 2011

Even at JHU, where innovative collaborations are the norm, the Brown Foundation Digital Media Center...