Christopher Celenza is the director of the American Academy in Rome, where he's gaining a...
Section: News
Hopkins Economist Appointed to the Federal Reserve
Spring 2012
In January, the Federal Reserve Board appointed Professor Jon Faust as special adviser in the...
Homewood Arts Programs
Spring 2012
When in search of a creative outlet, Johns Hopkins undergraduates need look no further than...
Learning Chinese Opens Doors to Collaboration
Spring 2012
As China’s economy continues to grow, so does the country’s scientific and technological prowess. Decades...
New Academy Brings Research to Retirement
Spring 2012
A rendering of the renovated Greenhouse, which will house the Academy. When esteemed university professors...
Rebuilding the Foundation of Science Education
Spring 2012
A new university-wide initiative aims to change the way science is introduced to undergraduates. With...
Richard Conn Henry & Steve Hanke
Spring 2012
“One time throughout the world, one date throughout the world.” —Richard Conn Henry, professor in...
From Graffiti to Hospital Waste
Spring 2012
Growing up in Houston, William McCance ’12 never saw much graffiti. Then he came to...
Mary Ryan
Fall 2011
“I believe in teaching-in-place, that is, exploring the actual sites where history has been made....
The Darkroom Goes Dark
Fall 2011
At the Homewood Art Workshops in the Mattin Center, the dismantling of the darkroom is...
Class of 2015
Fall 2011
This fall, Johns Hopkins University welcomed the Class of 2015 to the Homewood campus. The...
Max Kade Center Launched
Fall 2011
As America’s first research university, Johns Hopkins owes much of its legacy to the German...