Number Sense? Count On It from Birth
Fall 2011Illustration: Robert Neubecker When Melissa Libertus was in high school, she loved math—and was so...
Art and Amnesia: Solving Recovery’s Puzzles
Fall 2011Back in 2007, Lonni Sue Johnson was a successful artist and illustrator living in upstate...
Seeing the Eye's Not-So-Simple Subtleties
Fall 2011Long referred to as the window to the soul, the eye also plays an important...
Fresh Perspectives on Autism
Fall 2011The social met the spatial in Alex Murray’s recent study, which could hold out promise...
Putting the Focus on Quantum Matter
Spring 2011Scientists in a new institute in the Department of Physics and Astronomy are working to...
At the Frontier of the “Terahertz Gap”
Spring 2011Physics and Astronomy Professor N. Peter Armitage is quick to point out that many basic...
Data-Scope: The Best, Bar None
Spring 2011Imagine a tool that is a cross between a powerful electron microscope and the Hubble...
From Cell Proteins to Smoking Cessation
Spring 2011Some Woodrow Wilson Fellows pursue a single topic over several years. Others, like Karthik Rao,...
Marina Suarez
Spring 2011“When I was in the second grade, we had a dinosaur unit and since then,...