Krieger School Welcomes Controversial Russian Scholar
Fall 2012After losing his job in Russia, Nikolay Koposov is now a guest professor at the...
Physics and Astronomy Department Mourns Death of Professor
Fall 2012Professor Zlatko Tesanovic, widely admired as a theoretical condensed matter physicist, died on July 26.
From Graffiti to Hospital Waste
Spring 2012Growing up in Houston, William McCance ’12 never saw much graffiti. Then he came to...
The Darkroom Goes Dark
Fall 2011At the Homewood Art Workshops in the Mattin Center, the dismantling of the darkroom is...
Astrophysicist Adam Riess Wins Nobel
Fall 2011Nobel prize winner Adam Riess Will Kirk / In Baltimore, it was still dark...
A Boost for Collaborative China Studies
Spring 2011Former Hopkins President Steven Muller first envisioned a Johns Hopkins relationship with China back in...
Brainstorming for the Future
Spring 2011With its estimated 100 billion nerve cells, 2 million miles of axons, and 1 million...