Gerri Chester has spent her entire 55-year career as a lab tech in the biology...
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It’s Hot: High-Tech Sentinel System for “Cold Chain” Process
Fall 2012Tom Smith '11 is CEO of ESDA LLC, a high-tech startup he created with two...
The Writing Life
Fall 2012Since earning her MA at Johns Hopkins in 1979, Louise Erdrich has written 13 novels.
Sea Tales Inspire Former Inmate
Fall 2012A book—and its author—helped a former bank robber chart a new course for his life.
The Missing Perspective in the Middle East (and Elsewhere)
Fall 2012Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein ’87 offers his unique perspective of the Arab Spring.
The Road from Classroom to Career
Fall 2012From the Dean
Editor's Note, Fall 2012
Fall 2012Welcome to the Fall 2012 issue of Arts & Sciences magazine.
Immigration Nations
Fall 2012Political Science Professor Michael Hanchard talks about why immigration is such a hot-button political issue.
How Free Is Free Will?
Fall 2012The nature of free will and moral responsibility is a discussion philosophers have been having...
Fall 2012Businesses want problems solved on the cheap, and soon-to-be college graduates want the attention of...
Becoming Muslim
Fall 2012Naveeda Khan wanted "to write a book that had the passion to legitimize Pakistan as...
How the Race Will Be Won
Letters to the Editor