Ultimately, more than four decades of the U.S.-led war on drugs abroad has not only...
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Seen & Heard, Katie Hindmarch-Watson
Fall 2022“I think one of the most interesting legacies is that she carried the 20th century...
Books to Read in Fall 2022
Fall 2022Our faculty and staff talk about the books they're enjoying in fall 2022.
From the Krieger School Dean’s Desk
Fall 2022Thoughts from James B. Knapp Dean Christopher S. Celenza about Krieger School faculty's front-line research,...
Fall 2022 Faculty Awards
Fall 2022Awards and honors won by Krieger School faculty in fall 2022.
Faculty We Lost, Fall 2022
Fall 2022In memoriam for Krieger School faculty who passed in summer and fall of 2022.
From the Office of Sarah Hörst
Fall 2022See inside the office of Sarah Hörst, associate professor of earth and planetary sciences.
Examining Housing Woes
Fall 2022Christine Jang-Trettien PhD ’20 completed research on disinvestment, poverty, and speculation in Baltimore neighborhoods.
Fall 2022 Alumni News
Fall 2022Krieger School alumni in the news in fall 2022.
Magazine Brings Literary Style to Philosophical Writings
Fall 2022A new magazine for philosophical writings, The Raven, covers ethics, consciousness, time, and more.
Prospecting for Water on the Moon
Fall 2022Kevin Lewis, an associate professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, is a...
New Book: Segregated Time
Fall 2022In his new book Segregated Time, P.J. Brendese argues that time is used and misused,...