Enthusiasm Awakened

Spring 2013

Hopkins’ Archaeological Museum remains dedicated to providing “tangible” inspiration for student research.

Quotable: Michael Bloomberg

Spring 2013

In January, the University announced a record-setting alumni donation: philanthropist and New York Mayor Michael...

Freshman Class

Spring 2013

The Academy at Johns Hopkins, a new institute for advanced study for retired Krieger School...

Dark Doings

Spring 2013

Two Johns Hopkins astrophysicists have been appointed to the Euclid Consortium.

Mourning Steven Muller

Spring 2013

Johns Hopkins University President Emeritus Steven Muller died January 19, 2013. He was 85.

Adopt an Object

Spring 2013

Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum offers an Adopt-an-Object program.

New Route to Medical School

Spring 2013

Students aspiring to medical school now have another post-baccalaureate option available to them.

Drawing on Art

Spring 2013

Craig Hankin ’76, director of Homewood Art Workshops, talks about why the arts play a...