Spotlight on Women’s Health
Spring 2017Tara Allmen '86, MD, demystifies midlife women's health issues in her new book.
Finding Elisabeth Gilman
Spring 2017Ross Jones '53 has produced a book-length manuscript about Elisabeth Gilman's life and work that...
Called to Serve
Spring 2017Bishop Douglas Miles '70 reflects on a life dedicated to fighting for social justice in...
Curriculum Vitae: Eva Chen
Spring 2017Eva Chen, Head of Fashion Partnerships at Instagram
“Do something bigger than yourself.”
Fall 2016Ray Mabus ’70 (MS) is Secretary of the Navy.
Rock Star
Fall 2016Claudia Kretchmer ’04 (MA) manages Steven Kretchmer Designs, a prestigious and thriving jewelry business.
In the Shoes of Jelly Roll Morton
Fall 2016Mark G. Meadows ’11 plays the legendary jazz pianist Jelly Roll Morton in the musical...
Curriculum Vitae: Jeffrey Raider
Fall 2016Jeffrey Raider, Co-Founder of Warby Parker and Harry's
Curriculum Vitae: Daniel Weiss
Spring 2016Daniel Weiss, President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Navigating the History of the Navy
Spring 2016What to do with a PhD in classical studies when you realize you don’t want...
On the Financial Frontlines
Spring 2016Marc Hochstein ’94 is editor-in-chief of "American Banker."
Navigating the History of the Navy
Spring 2016Kristina Giannotta ’03 (PhD) is branch head of histories for the Histories and Archives Division...