photo of woman looking at city skyline

Laura Di Bianco

Fall 2019

Laura Di Bianco explores how women in Italy can assert themselves in the male-dominated film...

photo of Angelamari Malkoun

Wizard of Vlog

Spring 2019

Angelamarie Malkoun, a Writing Seminars and history double major, reads and researches young adult fantasy...

The Science of Speculation

Fall 2018

Professor of philosophy Peter Achinstein’s new book, Speculation: Within and About Science, is a powerful...

Syllabus: Acting Up

Fall 2018

In Acting I, John Astin '52 uses his six decades of acting experience to teach...

photo of student researcher Mike Tritsch

Egyptian Endeavor

Spring 2018

Mike Tritsch, a Woodrow Wilson Fellow double-majoring in archaeology and Near Eastern studies, traveled to...

photo of student researcher Gillian Waldo

National Park Disservice

Spring 2018

Gillian Waldo, a senior film and media studies major, is researching the instances of racism...

Syllabus: Zombies at Homewood

Spring 2018

In the course Zombies, students learn critical reading, thinking, and writing skills while exploring a...

The Center for Visual Arts

Spring 2018

Established in 1974 as The Homewood Art Workshops, the center offers courses in drawing, painting,...