image of forged document

The Art of Faking It

Fall 2019

Four stories underground in Johns Hopkins’ Eisenhower Library, Earle Havens and Walter Stephens make their...

photo of Gilman Hall at dusk


Fall 2019

A cool Wednesday in June wrapped up with a glorious evening sky over Keyser Quad....


Spring 2019

Shriver Hall Reopens In March, Shriver Hall reopened after an 18-month renovation, transforming from a...

A Fraying Union

Spring 2019

In the decades since World War II, during the life span of most people alive...

Sites of Discovery

Spring 2019

Following Robots in Japan In a Japanese café, no one bats an eye when the...

The Art of Mathematics

Fall 2018

There’s a well-known math-related meme that’s been going around the internet for years. It’s an...


Fall 2018

In the microcosm of a dewdrop, Homewood photographer Will Kirk captured the 35-foot “Red Sails”...

Eight Years Rising

Fall 2018

This was a campaign about empowering the people of Johns Hopkins—our students, faculty members, researchers,...

Through a New Lens

Spring 2018

In 2017, Professor Michael Kwass was looking forward to a quiet August so that he...

Climate Change

Spring 2018

There are several things that scientists can say with certainty about climate change, notes Anand...