True Blue

Spring 2018

Edward Gillespie ’04 (MLA) is a detective who teaches in-service courses to police officers.

photo of Peggy Fogelman

Art Smart

Fall 2017

Peggy Fogelman ’83 is the director of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston.

Syllabus: Risky Business

Fall 2017

In Sex, Drugs, and Dynamic Optimization: The Economics of Risky Behavior, students explore how people...

Pho Sure

Fall 2017

Karen Cheng ’94 is the co-founder of Star Anise Foods, which makes authentic Vietnamese dishes...

Syllabus: Global (In)Security

Spring 2017

In Global Security Politics, students explore the political implications of weapons of mass destruction and...

Called to Serve

Spring 2017

Bishop Douglas Miles '70 reflects on a life dedicated to fighting for social justice in...

Now Playing

Fall 2016

When Linda DeLibero began teaching in Johns Hopkins’ Program in Film and Media Studies (FMS)...

Syllabus: Finding the Words

Fall 2016

Through the Department of Near Eastern Studies, a group of undergraduates is learning to decipher...

New Professors, Fall 2016

Fall 2016

Janice Chen, Psychological and Brain Sciences; Research Interests: Real-world memory, cognitive neuroscience, temporal structure in...