Take a peek into the world of this professor emeritus in the Department of Biology,...
Issue: Fall 2016, Volume 14, Number 1
What’s Out There?
What is the universe made of—and how do the push of dark energy and the pull of dark matter shed light on this age-old question? Our scientists are moving ever closer to finding out.
Now Playing
In just over 20 years, the Program in Film and Media Studies has grown to become a national “Contender,” thanks to passionate students, dedicated faculty, and a state-of-the-art new home in the Centre Theatre.
A Fresh Start
From pre-orientation through move-in day and beyond, we bring you pictorial highlights of those heady first days on campus, when our freshmen quickly learn what it means to be a true-blue Blue Jay.
2020 Vision
New Professors, Fall 2016
Janice Chen, Psychological and Brain Sciences; Research Interests: Real-world memory, cognitive neuroscience, temporal structure in...
In Memoriam
We remember Justine Roth, associate professor in the Krieger School’s Department of Chemistry,
News Briefs: Fall 2016
More stories of note from around the Krieger School.
Students Against Climate Change
Two Hopkins undergraduates were selected to represent the American Chemical Society at this year’s United...
Cute Moves Help Bats Catch Prey
Head waggles and ear wiggles sync with the animal’s sonar vocalizations to help it hunt.
Exhibit Explores Impact of World War I on Hopkins
The exhibit creates a detailed picture of the service experience of both students and faculty,...
Seeing the Numbers
Researchers found the visual cortex in blind people is highly involved in doing math, suggesting...
The Other America—Waiting to Be Heard
A new book, co-written by Johns Hopkins sociologists Stefanie DeLuca and Kathryn Edin, challenges the...
More Faculty Books
New publications from Krieger School faculty.
Snapshot: From the Office of Michael Edidin
Take a peek into the world of this professor emeritus in the Department of Biology,...
Major Infatuation: Philosophy
Students tell us why they love their major, in three sentences or less.
Syllabus: Finding the Words
Through the Department of Near Eastern Studies, a group of undergraduates is learning to decipher...
Flash Seminars
Invited professors lead a seminar on a topic of their choice (and not always in...
Curriculum Vitae: Jeffrey Raider
Jeffrey Raider, Co-Founder of Warby Parker and Harry's
“Do something bigger than yourself.”
Ray Mabus ’70 (MS) is Secretary of the Navy.
Rock Star
Claudia Kretchmer ’04 (MA) manages Steven Kretchmer Designs, a prestigious and thriving jewelry business.
In the Shoes of Jelly Roll Morton
Mark G. Meadows ’11 plays the legendary jazz pianist Jelly Roll Morton in the musical...